Why does desiccant need to be sealed?
Why does desiccant need to be sealed? Why can't the desiccant be opened? In Dingxing desiccant, we learned that due to the water absorption characteristics of the desiccant, once it comes into contact with the air, the desiccant will absorb the water in the air, thus making the desiccant ineffective. Therefore, when using desiccant, make sure that the package is sealed, and keep the used desiccant sealed to avoid failure.
Desiccant, also known as absorbent, is used in moisture-proof, mildew prevention, play a drying role, according to the different ways of adsorption and reaction products are divided into physical adsorption desiccant and chemical adsorption desiccant. Physisorption desiccant includes silica gel, alumina gel, molecular sieve, activated carbon, bone charcoal, charcoal, mineral desiccation, or activated clay. Its drying principle is to adsorb water molecules in their own structure through physical means.
The commonly used desiccants for chemical adsorption are calcium chloride, quicklime or phosphorus pentoxide, sulfuric acid, etc. they absorb water molecules and change their chemical structure by chemical means to become another substance. Chemical desiccants mainly absorb water by chemical reaction. If they fall into the water, they will react too violently and cause danger. They can't be imported because they can't be eaten. There may be danger, such as quicklime.